YoY Calculation in SAC

Overview: In this tutorial you will learn and understand that how you can use YoY calculation in SAC with examples. YOY (Year over Year) (Year over Year) YoY calculation in SAC is the function which returns a percentage (%) showing the difference between the value of current year compared with the previous year. This difference […]

Simple Moving Average Calculation

Overview: In this tutorial you will learn the use of Moving Average Calculation in SAC and their syntax with examples. SMA() Function Moving Average calculation in SAC is the indicator which can be calculated by the sum of the all values or data points during a specific time periods, divided by the sum of the

Compound Annual Growth Rate Function

Overview: In this tutorial you learn how you can calculate Compound Annual Growth Rate function in SAC using CAGR() function in sap analytics cloud. CAGR() Function CAGR function is used to calculate the annual growth rate over a specified period of time meaning it should be specify for 1 year, 2 year or 3 year,

IF Condition in SAP analytics cloud

Overview: In this tutorial you will learn and understand IF condition in SAP analytics cloud and how to use it IF Condition IF condition is the logical function used in SAP analytics cloud, it returns the value based on TRUE condition, In this IF condition we don’t have ELSE condition so if statement is FALSE

IF and Else condition

Overview: In this tutorial you will learn IF and ELSE condition in SAP analytics cloud and how you can use this condition in your SAC stories and chart. IF and ELSE condition ID and Else condition in SAC is the logical condition and it is use to return a value based on TRUE and FALSE

ABS Function in SAP analytics Cloud

Overview: In this tutorial you will learn how you can use the ABS function in SAP analytics cloud and how to find out the absolute number for negative numbers ABS() Function: ABS function in SAP analytics cloud return the absolute value for number without it sign. It is important sometime to show the number without

MAX function in SAP analytics cloud

Overview: In this tutorial you will learn and understand what is MAX function in SAP analytics cloud and how you can use with example MAX() Function MAX() function used to find out the maximum values among more then one values. It will always return the Maximum numbers in the list. It is used in statistic

MIN Function in SAP analytics cloud

Overview: In this tutorial you will learn and understand what is MIN() function in SAP analytics cloud and how you can use with example MIN() Function MIN() function used to find out the minimum values among more then one values. It will always return the minimum number in the list. It is used in statistic

POWER function in sap analytics cloud

overview: In this tutorial you will learn and understand POWER function in SAP analytics cloud and how you can use this function in different situation. Power() Function Power function in Sap analytics cloud used to calculate a base number raised to the power of a specified exponent. Power function is the most important functions in

MOD Function in SAP Analytics Cloud

Overview: In this tutorial you will learn and understand what is MOD function in SAP analytics Cloud and how you can use MOD function in different situation. MOD() Function Mod function in SAP Analytics Cloud is used to return the remainder of number dividing by a another number. The first number in Mod function is

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